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  • Writer's pictureChayse Herriges

Life Changing App! -Learning Project Week 4

Hi friends! This week, I strayed beyond the usual chicken I make and I decided to be festive with these cute Valentine’s Day Potatoes! They turned out really good and were easy to make. As discussed in my regular EDTC 300 blog post, I used the FilmMaker Pro app to make this short video documenting the process of this side dish. 

I found the recipe on an app called Super Cook. This app truly is revolutionary! Have you ever wondered, “hmmm I don’t want to run to the store right now but I don’t know what to cook with what I have?” Well, this app is exactly what you need. You enter in all the ingredients that you have and the app will give you THOUSANDS of different recipes to try that you have all the ingredients to make! It takes less than 5 minutes to set up and boom! Thousands of recipes. It will give you recipes in groups such as “Using your ground beef” or “Vegetarian” or even different cuisines such as Indian or Mediterranean! 

I knew I wanted to make heart shaped potato crisps as a little Valentine’s Day treat, so I entered “Roasted Potatoes” in the search bar and found exactly what I was looking for! This app truly makes cooking so much easier and I highly recommend you try it out too. It is so easy to use and every recipe has a picture so you can easily see what you’re getting yourself into. You can also find recipes that you have some of or none of the ingredients for, so that you can either find a substitute or add some ingredients to your grocery list. You can also “like” different recipes, which have their own tab so they are easy to find later! The app is 100% free and you do not need a subscription or a free trial at any point, which is so refreshing. For the first time, I have 0 complaints about an app. None! So try it out!

Here is a little video tutorial I made using the FilmMaker Pro app to document my cooking this week! Enjoy!

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