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Writer's pictureChayse Herriges

Right This Way To Rice!

Have you ever struggled to come up with ways to incorporate grains and carbohydrates into your meals? As a new adult, I sure have! So today I will be taking you along my journey of learning how to make rice.

My family ate rice every week growing up and until this week, I have never made it myself. I went to my hometown for a weekend to visit my new niece and my parents were serving rice once again. After finding out it takes very little time and very minimal effort, I bought a rice cooker, some rice, and chicken broth as quickly as I could!

Normally I would facetime and ask my mom how to cook something that I learnt from them, but I told her not to tell me so I could search the internet for this class haha. I decided to use a source that I haven't used thus far in my cooking journey but have used for countless other searches: wikiHow.

Despite what it sounds like, wikiHow is a publication website NOT affiliated with Wikipedia. It is, however, a website with thousands and thousands of tutorial articles that all come with step-by-step pictures, videos, or more famously, drawings in a very recognizable art style. They also have added a "quizzes" tab with countless quizzes you can take! One that caught my eye as someone on a cooking journey was "What's the Best meal Kit for Me?".

When searching for an article about cooking rice, all I had to do was type "how to cook rice in a rice cooker?" in the search bar and BOOM- dozens of articles popped up. I clicked on the first one I seen and decided that based on the plenty of helpful images and enjoyable length, this was simple enough for me.

I used White Jasmine Rice and replaced water with chicken broth for more flavour. If you find white rice too plain, I highly recommend! I also learned from the article that you are supposed to wash your rice due to pesticides so I appreciated the videos that showed how to do so within the article.

I really like wikiHow because I find the step-by-step pictures and tips really easy to follow along and learn. It appears that you can tell if a post is fairly reliable or not by the ratings, comments, or the little box that says "Approved!" or not. The posts clearly state when they were last updated, who they were written by and their qualifications, the authors resources and references, and what percentage of voters found the article helpful. If you are a visual learner and enjoy when things are organized in a simple and easy to follow way, then you might enjoy using wikiHow for certain things.

Would I use it as a place to get information around medical advice, politics, therapy, or facts in general? Not at all. As with most places on the internet and for what is essentially a formal blogging website, you shouldn't use it to make medical important decisions or conclusions without talking to a professional. I think that because the people writing these articles want you to click on theirs, some of the titles can be "click-baity" or are perhaps questionable articles such as "how to save your marriage" or "how to drive". I advise people to use digital literacy skills when navigating the website, and to use it for things such as "how to cook rice", "how to clean a litter box", or "how to trim a monstera deliciosa plant". I don't think I would advise my students to use wikiHow because it's not up to my discretion to decide whether or not my students would be able to recognize when some of the articles are really strange or could lead to someone getting hurt. It could be used to help teach students digital literacy though I suppose if you had it approved by administration and used it effectively.

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We are big rice fans at my house. I usually cook up a large pot of rice to have some in the fridge for my picky eating middle child! We don’t have a preference for the type of rice, but I have been making Basmati lately and everyone seems to enjoy it! I have to admit though, the rinsing or soaking that is recommended always makes me roll my eyes. I get it, I get it, but sometimes I just feel like I don’t have that 15-30 minutes extra! (Maybe I need to plan a little better on those days!) I use vegetable or chicken broth as well and throw in a little bit of butter right off the…





Okay, I am back this week… and definitely still hungry, haha. Your rice looks amazing! And making it in chicken broth? What an amazing idea. Your insights into using wikiHow responsibly are spot on. While it's fantastic for certain topics like cooking or DIY projects, it's important to approach other subjects with caution and always consult a professional when needed. Keep up the fantastic work 🍚👩‍🍳!






Your title for your blog caught my eye! My family also ate a lot of rice but I never really liked it so I would get made something else. As an adult now I am starting to eat rice more and I'm enjoying it. I cook mine with chicken or beef broth for more flavour. I also used wikiHow a couple weeks ago for my learning journey. There is a variety of tutorials on there for many different things.



Hey Chayse!

Loved your post for this week, the caption caught my eye right away! I am a huge rice fan, I honestly eat it every chance I get haha so hearing your tips and tricks to make it tastier is amazing! I actually have tried the using broth instead of water when cooking it, and it does indeed give way more flavor so love that you incorporated it in your post!


This was from Madison Massey too!

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